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50 Shades of Grey (Toyota’s)


Ahh – I bet this is not what you were expecting right? **GRIN**

Anyway – now that you are here, let’s bring some colour into today’s post. We sure have come a long way since Mr Henry Ford so famously exclaimed regarding his Model T Ford — “You can have any colour, so long as it’s black.” I can imagine Mr Ford, restlessly tossing about in his grave, seeing some of the more outlandish colours being brandished about nowadays.

Seriously though, colour choice and development is a serious matter when it comes to vehicle design. And the choice of colour going onto your Toyota, is based on in-depth research, and deliberation, in choosing a colour that matches the car’s character, yet catering for the eventual owner’s taste as well.

So what does your choice of car colour say about you? Research into this topic is hard to find, but people in the Auto industry are unanimous in declaring that people’s choice of colour for their cars, speak volume on their outlook of life, their personality, and even the way they drive. One interesting titbit is that black cars, are twice as likely to be involved in an accident, and this is perhaps the reason insurance premiums on a black car is often more than a white car. Whether this is true or not, remains to be proven, but next time you choose your colour, ponder on these colour characteristics:

Red car: Drivers of red cars are often, energetic, zestful and search for excitement in life. They more often than not also drive faster than the average driver.

Black car: Black tends to point to a serious outlook on life. You prefer to be taken seriously and also like order in your life. It also projects an image of professionalism in your personal and work life.

Green car: Green drivers choice of colour could mean they are tranquil, and peaceful people. This colour is often associated with nature, and has a calming effect on its surroundings.

Blue car: Blue is another colour that projects am image of serenity and calmness, and drivers of blue cars are most likely easy-going as well, and prefer quiet and calmness to the excitement and thrill of the unknown.

Silver car: Silver is one of the more popular vehicle colours in recent times, and this may indicate a person of financial stability, and refinement. Also could indicate a level-headed personality.

White car: This is by far the number one choice in car colours. White drivers prefer things simple, and like their surroundings and car to be neat and clean. It could also mean a clear mind and a youthful outlook on life.

Orange car: This is a highly energetic colour, and indicates a person that likes to be on the move, outgoing, and living on the edge. At the same time, orange drivers radiate warmth and cheerfulness.

So there you have it. Bear in mind this is based on pure conjecture – but we would love to hear your thoughts on this. What colour car do you drive? And tell us what you love about your colour!


Durban South Toyota

Durban South Toyota is a flagship Toyota Dealer in South Africa. From humble beginnings in Rockview Road, Amanzimtoti, we have steadily grown to where we are today. Visit us at 2 Prospecton Rd, to experience a difference, in Service Excellence. Post by Zakaria Desai, IT & Social Media Manager.

2 thoughts on “50 Shades of Grey (Toyota’s)

  • The Nard Dog

    I like orange, blue, red, and white. xD

    • @Nard Dog – You’ll need to get yourself four cars in the different colours to satisfy your tastes 🙂


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